Photo Walk: Pay Attention to the Details

13 Jan

A Different Look at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA

Today’s Photo Walk is a different look at one of the most famous parts of San Francisco, CA, the Golden Gate Bridge.   Wow, the details I missed the first 100 or so times I saw this engineering wonder….

Golden Gate Bridge from Below

This is a unique angle — underneath the bridge looking up.

Golden Gate Bridge from Below

From the bottom looking up. To get the full impact, it would be great to have a sound track with this one. The sound of the cars clipping across the bridge is truly creepy!

Golden Gate Bridge Millions of Moving Parts

It is like a giant Erector Set!

Anchored in the Rock

The bridge is anchored in the rocky coast.

From the Top of Fort Point

This is from the top of Fort Point. What a drop to the rocky bottom of the bay.

Creepy Staircase

This was one dark, windy, steep, creepy staircase….

Passageway through Fort Point

Here is a not so secret passageway through Fort Point a wonderful historic site with many cool areas like this one — directly under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Links to the past

These “links” to the past may be weathered but are they still holding strong.

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