Wednesday’s Word Search: Heart Healthy Eating

20 Feb

“Search” for the Affordable Heart Healthy Foods

Today you will be doing double duty:  practice your searching and sorting skills while focusing on heart health.

Eating heart healthy on a budget is not easy.   In this word search puzzle, you are hunting for heart healthy foods that are all under $1 per serving.

You can hone your searching and sorting skills by using different searching strategies in this puzzle and see which works best for you.   Here are some suggestions:

  • Start on the edges and work your way in.
  • Pick a letter and search for all words that start with that letter.
  • Quickly scan the whole puzzle and see if you can pick out whole words.

Word Search Heart Healthy Eating

For more affordable, heart healthy foods check out American Heart Association’s list.  Take care of your heart and you protect your entire vascular system — including your brain!


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