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Weekly Brain Challenge: One of These Things is not Like the Others

23 Dec

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! How about a quick puzzle in the spirit of the season? Find a change in one of the nine photos in each set of pictures.
OTTLNOMon5 OTTLNOMon1 OTTLNOMon2 OTTLNOMon3 Snowman on the Lawn

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Weekly Brain Challenge: One of These Things is Not like the Others

25 Nov

Hope your Thanksgiving is filled with a lot of wonderful food, family, and fun! Here are some fun puzzles in celebration of the upcoming holiday. Thanksgiving StuffingDelicious Whoopie PiesFamily DinnerScrumptious SaladMaking Fried Chicken
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Weekly Brain Challenge: What’s Wrong with This Picture?

4 Nov

Here is a new game you can try! Find all the things wrong with this image. There are five idiosyncrasies!
People at the Zoo
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World Series Themed Word Game

30 Oct

It’s World Series time, so today’s word challenge is a combination of a few games with a baseball twist.  This game will force you to use multiple brain processes to succeed.   As in baseball, there will be some easy ones that will feel like big fat pitches right across the middle of the plate; some curve balls that might make you feel silly swinging for the fence but missing by a mile; and some straight out heat that will blow by you at the speed of light!  In all cases, you will sharpen your recall, practice your verbal memory skills, and hopefully exercise your smile muscles in the process.

The game is Category Builders.   We give you a category and you must supply a word that fits in the category.   Here is the twist.   You must supply words that starts with the letters in OBSTRUCTION, in honor of the controversial call from a few nights ago in the bottom of the 9th that allowed the winning run to cross the plate.

For example, if your category was Cities with Sports Teams you might answer Omaha, Boston,  San Diego, Tucson, Urbanna, Charlotte, Indianapolis, Orlando, and New Orleans.    Ready?

Your first category is Sports Equipment.  Go…

Catcher contemplationO











You second category is Team Names/Mascots.  Go!












Final categories is Names of Famous Athletes (first or last name works).  Go!

Otodd bobblehead











The goal is to stretch your thinking so be creative!   It is never enough to do just one type of exercise or play one type of game.   Stretch, challenge, and better yourself by varying activities and making sure that you are doing things that make you think and work harder!

Live well and play often!


Weekly Brain Challenge: Find the Difference

28 Oct

Here’s a bigger challenge, find nine differences!
Telephone Pole

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Challenge Yourself with a Brainy Word Challenge

24 Oct

A study came out this week that said it is not enough to participate in simple activities if you want to build brain power.   Improving your cognitive functioning requires doing things that make you think in a more complex, demanding, and active way.

It is also critical to do a wide variety of activities — ones that make you think in different ways and ones that are not familiar or allow you to follow a well practiced pattern.

When you choose puzzles and games that are a challenge and allow you to approach problems in different ways, you are actively working to build brain power.    Some word games, like the following,make you actively use visual, verbal, and problem solving skills all at once.

Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and get ready to work! To add an extra challenge set a timer for 90 seconds.

Think Fast and Find as Many Words as You Can

Weekly Brain Challenge: Find the Difference

21 Oct

Today’s picture is from Amsterdam. Isn’t this hotel lobby pretty? This puzzle has 5 changes. You can play more find the difference puzzles here.

Butterfly Collage Wall

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Weekly Brain Challenge: One of These Things is Not Like the Others

14 Oct

Are you enjoying Autumn? Here are some pretty pictures of fall foliage to help you appreciate the season! There is one changed photo in each set of photos. You can play more here. Thanks to Carl Lohrentz for the beautiful photography! Orange Autumn Sunset Fall Leaves in Winter Far Off Trees Beautiful Renaissance Clouds Pretty Fall Trees Pretty Rainbow

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Weekly Brain Challenge: Find the Difference

7 Oct

Have the leaves started to change where you live yet? It is getting to be the last opportunity this year to do fun outdoor activities! Of course, if it snows where you live, you have snowball fights and sledding to look forward to. But it might be the last chance to, say, go boating! Do you think you can find all 9 changes in this puzzle? Look carefully!
Boat Dock

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Weekly Brain Challenge: One of These Things is Not like the Others

30 Sep

Are you ready for Autumn overload? Fall officially started on September 22nd! Check out these One of These Things is not like the Others puzzles in celebration of the season. There are five today!

Bat Jack-O-Lantern

Grinning Jack-O-LanternAutumn Tree BranchThanks for playing!

House with Autumn TreesCat Jack-O-LanternSign up for Crunch Time

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