Tag Archives: attention to detail

Scavenger Hunt Puzzle

8 Apr

Weekly Brain Challenge

This week’s brain challenge comes from our game Find It!  Find each of the objects on the right in the photo on the left.  This game tests your attention to detail and your searching strategies.  If you play on our website, the objects disappear after a few seconds, so it also tests your memory!  You can play this puzzle on our website in the Level 3 album titled Lake Essentials.

Click on the image to make it larger on your screen.

Lake George Find It Puzzle

Thanks for playing!

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Photo Walks: Pay Attention to the Details

22 Dec

How often do you take the time to pay attention to the small details in your every day life?   We are starting a new series, Photo Walks.   Each week we (or one of YOU) will take a walk somewhere and pay attention to the little tiny details.

This first one is on a golf course I have walked before.  This time, in between shots (if that is what you call them), I tried to find the little details — things I might have missed if I had not been paying very close attention!

Humming Bird in A Tree

Tiny humming bird hanging out in the tree…watching!

Critter Condo?

I wonder who lives in this mini-house on a fairway facing patio?

Hiding Mushrooms

Hmmmm… rare mushrooms hiding in the rough.

Ball washer 15th tee

This ball washer is sporting holiday colors!

North American Common Raven

Check out this North American Raven about to take flight. What a wing span!

Bridge to the Tee Box

Bridge to the 11th tee — Escondido, CA

Flag in the hole

The final detail…

Give it a try!

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