Tag Archives: critical thinking

Wednesday’s Word Game: Word Sequences

30 Jan

Fill in the Blanks to Solve These Puzzles

This week’s Word Game does not allow you to focus on just one brain process — you will have to think critically and problem solve using multiple processes all at once!

Check out the sample.

Wednesday's Word Challenge #1

Now try one… move down all the letters NOT in a circle.   Use the clue on the right to help you figure out the answer.

Move Letter down fill in the circles

How about one where the clues are bit more obscure?

Word game word sequences How did you do?

Did you enjoy this Week’s Wednesday’s Words Challenge? You might also be interested in our weekly Crunch Time e-mails.  Once per week we send out an e-mail with a few photo puzzles from one of our games.  Sign-up for Crunch Time here!

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