Tag Archives: details

Photo Walk: Pay Attention to the Details

13 Jan

A Different Look at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA

Today’s Photo Walk is a different look at one of the most famous parts of San Francisco, CA, the Golden Gate Bridge.   Wow, the details I missed the first 100 or so times I saw this engineering wonder….

Golden Gate Bridge from Below

This is a unique angle — underneath the bridge looking up.

Golden Gate Bridge from Below

From the bottom looking up. To get the full impact, it would be great to have a sound track with this one. The sound of the cars clipping across the bridge is truly creepy!

Golden Gate Bridge Millions of Moving Parts

It is like a giant Erector Set!

Anchored in the Rock

The bridge is anchored in the rocky coast.

From the Top of Fort Point

This is from the top of Fort Point. What a drop to the rocky bottom of the bay.

Creepy Staircase

This was one dark, windy, steep, creepy staircase….

Passageway through Fort Point

Here is a not so secret passageway through Fort Point a wonderful historic site with many cool areas like this one — directly under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Links to the past

These “links” to the past may be weathered but are they still holding strong.

We would love to go on a walk with you!   Sound interesting? Drop me a line at ruth@craniumcrunches.com.

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Photo Walk: Paying Attention to the Details

29 Dec

Photo Walk: At the Beach

Often all you need to do to see something old in a whole new way is to take a walk with someone different!  This week I took a walk to the beach in La Jolla, CA with an 8 year old friend.  Oh how many details I miss when she is not around!  Do you see any details we missed?


Rose Frozen in Time

On the way to the beach we saw this rose. It seemed to be frozen in time or covered with wax. It was real and alive and very beautiful though!

Wind blown patterns

Check out the swirling pattern years of wind and sand left on this rock.

Tide pools

Even on a chilly December day the tide pools were teaming with life.

Stairway to the Beach

How many times have I walked by this stairway and missed the details? Funny how a new set of eyes makes all the difference!

Splash and Shadows

We noticed 2 really cool things in this scene — the big splash on the rocks and our shadows! We look so distorted with sun shining behind us, low in the winter sky.

Ray of light

Awesome lighting in this photo taken just as the sun was about to start its decent for the day.

It's Pupping Season!

It is the beginning of seal pupping season at the Children’s Pool in La Jolla Cove. We spotted one of the very first pups of the year!

Mystery Paw Print

Who’s print is that????

Making a Big Splash

Hmmm… not sure everyone in this scene is paying attention…!

Surfer in the Sunset

We, and this surfer, milked the very last moments out of the day. What a beautiful, crowning moment for all of us!

Would you like to take a Photo Walk and share it with us?   Send me an email:  ruth@craniumcrunches.com

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