Tag Archives: focus

Weekly Brain Challenge: One of These Things is not Like the Others

12 Aug

National Relaxation Day is on August 15th, and that’s right around the corner! When was the last time you paused to take a deep breath? Try to unwind while solving these tranquil One of These Things is not Like the Others puzzles.
Hammock Beside a Pristine Lake

Chairs Beside the Lake

Chairs on the Beach

Thanks for playing and have a relaxing day!

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Wednesday’s Word Puzzle: Word Sequences

13 Mar

This week’s Word Game does not allow you to focus on just one brain process — you will have to think critically and problem solve using multiple processes all at once!  Playing word sequences is tough for a couple reasons.  First, you have to move the correct letters down to fill in pieces of the word below it — that means you must visually line up the letters and mechanically put the right letter in the appropriate spot.  Move the letters in the completed word to the open lines directly below — do not move letters from above into circles.   Next you must look at the clue and sort through a list of possible right answers in your memory.  Finally, based on the filled in letters and the number of remaining blank spaces you must choose from that list and write in the answer.   Fill the circles in with the letters that complete the appropriate word.  Step and repeat until you reach the end!    Click here if you want to see a sample!


Play Word Sequences

Boost Your Brain Power

7 Jan

Weekly Brain Challenge

Hello and Happy Monday!  With so many distractions and competing bits of information around us, it can be difficult to pick out what is important in a situation.  The best way to hone your attention skills is to practice in situations that replicate real life.  Below, you will find a couple puzzles from our game, One of These Things is Not Like the Others.  In this game you can work on searching and sorting strategies in photos that might look like your life.

If you find it to be difficult, don’t give up!  Repetition will help you to improve your processing speed and will make filtering the information easier as you go.

How to Play:  find the picture in the set that is different from the others.  Click on the images to see them larger on your screen!

Ocean Beach San Diego Puzzle

Can you find the picture that is different in this set from Ocean Beach, San Diego?

Flower in San Diego Puzzle

Can you find the picture that is different in this set?

Thanks for playing!  If you enjoyed these puzzles, you should sign up for Crunch Time to receive weekly puzzles to your inbox.  This week’s Crunch Time will feature more One of These Things is Not Like the Others puzzles.

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Crossword Puzzles, Brain Exercise of Choice?

26 Sep

Wednesday’s Words

This week’s Wednesday’s Words is a play on an old standard — crossword puzzles.

Crossword puzzles have been around since the late 1800’s and have long been the recommended, ultimate brain exercise.

  • Yes, crosswords are wonderful workouts for memory, comprehension, word finding, and problem solving!
  • Yes, crossword puzzles are fun and help you stretch your thinking and your vocabulary!
  • Yes, crossword puzzles are available in so many different levels of difficulty that everyone can find one that fits!

This is an easy puzzle but in order to succeed, you need to dig into your memory and pull the right words and phrases out of your well of Cranium Crunches facts!  If you get stuck, you can find all the answers on our site www.craniumcrunches.com.Crossword Puzzle Brainy Words

Don’t forget to register for Crunch Time and have photo puzzles sent to directly to you!