Tag Archives: multiple cognitive processes

Wednesday’s Word Puzzle: Word Sequences

13 Mar

This week’s Word Game does not allow you to focus on just one brain process — you will have to think critically and problem solve using multiple processes all at once!  Playing word sequences is tough for a couple reasons.  First, you have to move the correct letters down to fill in pieces of the word below it — that means you must visually line up the letters and mechanically put the right letter in the appropriate spot.  Move the letters in the completed word to the open lines directly below — do not move letters from above into circles.   Next you must look at the clue and sort through a list of possible right answers in your memory.  Finally, based on the filled in letters and the number of remaining blank spaces you must choose from that list and write in the answer.   Fill the circles in with the letters that complete the appropriate word.  Step and repeat until you reach the end!    Click here if you want to see a sample!


Play Word Sequences