Tag Archives: San Diego

Wednesday’s Word Puzzle: Cranium Categories

16 Jan

Categories on the “Cranium”: Find Words that Start With the Letters in Cranium

This week’s Wednesday’s Words is a categorization game with a twist.    Just like a previous  Wednesday’s Words, in the following challenge you will be given a category and you will think of words that fit in each particular category.  Let’s take that up another notch.  For each category, you must come up with one word that starts with and one word that ends with each of the letters in the word C R A N I U M.

For example, if your category was THINGS YOU STUDY IN SCHOOL you might come up with:

Classics  & ArithmatiC

Radius & FactoR

Algebra & AlgebrA

Neuroanatomy & AdditioN

Iceland  & BahlI

Uranium & PlateaU

Manta Rays & the CraniuM

The goal is to stretch your thinking so be creative! If you get stuck and are struggling for a word, it is perfectly acceptable to search lists like this one http://www.morewords.com.   Pay attention to which letters, topics, and letter position (first or last) were most challenging for you.

Your first category is FOOD:

CBig Burger Lunch







Next category is something we all are dreaming about in January — SUMMER VACATION:

CSummer Vacation Poolside







Finally, let’s try a really big category.  This time see how quickly you can come up with the words.  How about MOTHER NATURE:








How did you do?

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Boost Your Brain Power

7 Jan

Weekly Brain Challenge

Hello and Happy Monday!  With so many distractions and competing bits of information around us, it can be difficult to pick out what is important in a situation.  The best way to hone your attention skills is to practice in situations that replicate real life.  Below, you will find a couple puzzles from our game, One of These Things is Not Like the Others.  In this game you can work on searching and sorting strategies in photos that might look like your life.

If you find it to be difficult, don’t give up!  Repetition will help you to improve your processing speed and will make filtering the information easier as you go.

How to Play:  find the picture in the set that is different from the others.  Click on the images to see them larger on your screen!

Ocean Beach San Diego Puzzle

Can you find the picture that is different in this set from Ocean Beach, San Diego?

Flower in San Diego Puzzle

Can you find the picture that is different in this set?

Thanks for playing!  If you enjoyed these puzzles, you should sign up for Crunch Time to receive weekly puzzles to your inbox.  This week’s Crunch Time will feature more One of These Things is Not Like the Others puzzles.

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Photo Walk: Paying Attention to the Details

29 Dec

Photo Walk: At the Beach

Often all you need to do to see something old in a whole new way is to take a walk with someone different!  This week I took a walk to the beach in La Jolla, CA with an 8 year old friend.  Oh how many details I miss when she is not around!  Do you see any details we missed?


Rose Frozen in Time

On the way to the beach we saw this rose. It seemed to be frozen in time or covered with wax. It was real and alive and very beautiful though!

Wind blown patterns

Check out the swirling pattern years of wind and sand left on this rock.

Tide pools

Even on a chilly December day the tide pools were teaming with life.

Stairway to the Beach

How many times have I walked by this stairway and missed the details? Funny how a new set of eyes makes all the difference!

Splash and Shadows

We noticed 2 really cool things in this scene — the big splash on the rocks and our shadows! We look so distorted with sun shining behind us, low in the winter sky.

Ray of light

Awesome lighting in this photo taken just as the sun was about to start its decent for the day.

It's Pupping Season!

It is the beginning of seal pupping season at the Children’s Pool in La Jolla Cove. We spotted one of the very first pups of the year!

Mystery Paw Print

Who’s print is that????

Making a Big Splash

Hmmm… not sure everyone in this scene is paying attention…!

Surfer in the Sunset

We, and this surfer, milked the very last moments out of the day. What a beautiful, crowning moment for all of us!

Would you like to take a Photo Walk and share it with us?   Send me an email:  ruth@craniumcrunches.com

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Word Game: Categories Game with a Twist

12 Dec

Wednesday’s Words: Categorization Puzzles

This week’s Wednesday’s Words is another categorization game with yet another twist.  Like last week’s Wednesday’s Words, in the following challenge you will be given a category and you will think of words that fit in each particular category.  Let’s take that up another notch.  For each category, you must come up with at least one word that starts with and one that ends with each of the letters in the word G A M E S.

For example, if your category was SCHOOL you might come up with:
Geography / StudyinG
Art / DramA
Music / GymnasiuM
Earth Science /. LecturE
Smart Board / RecesS

The goal is to stretch your thinking so be creative! If you get stuck and are struggling for a word, it is perfectly acceptable to search lists like this one http://www.scrabblefinder.com. Pay attention to which letters, topics, and letter position (first or last) were most challenging for you.

Your category is TRAVEL.Airport Traveling

Your category is FOOD.Thanksgiving San Diego Turkey

Your category is ANIMALS.

Sea Creatures

What was easy? What was most difficult? Did you find yourself using any kind of thinking strategy?

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Brain Training Puzzle

3 Dec

Weekly Brain Challenge

Today’s brain challenge is a Level 3 Find the Difference puzzle with nine changes.  This picture was taken outside of the San Diego Air and Space Museum in Balboa Park.  The museum is housed in the Ford Building, which opened in 1935 for the California Pacific Exposition.  Out of the five that were originally built, it is the only remaining of the 1930’s Ford Motor Company Exposition buildings.  The building was built to showcase Ford’s 1935 line of cars and its new V-8 engine.  Read more about the history of the Ford Building at the Wheels to Wings: An Online Exhibit at the San Diego Air and Space Museum’s website.

Click on the image to see it larger on your screen.

Brain Training Puzzle Ford Building

Can you find the 9 changes in this puzzle?

Thanks for playing this week’s Brain Challenge!  See our Game of the Week archive page to play more of our brain training puzzles.

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Garden Photo Puzzles

22 Oct

Weekly Brain Challenge

Happy Monday!  This week’s brain challenge takes us on a little walk through the garden with two Find the Difference puzzles.  Each puzzle is a Level 3, so there are nine differences total.  Happy Crunching!

Click on the images to make them larger on your screen!

Find the Difference Cranium Crunches

Find the nine differences in this backyard garden in San Diego.

Find the Difference Cranium Crunches

Find the nine differences in this rose garden in San Diego.

Thanks for playing!

Sign-up here for our Crunch Time e-mails — weekly Find the Difference puzzles sent right to your inbox!

Brain Puzzle and Photography

17 Sep

Weekly Brain Challenge

Good Morning and Happy Monday!  It’s the start of another work week and it’s time to wake up your brain with this week’s Find the Difference puzzle.  A lot of the pictures for our puzzles come from our travels around the world, but this puzzle comes from a walk around my little neighborhood, Ocean Beach, California.  Ocean Beach is a little under 1.5 square miles, but has a population of 12,419 people, making 8, 708 people per square mile!  Needless to say, we all live on top of each other here and there is A LOT of character everywhere you look, so a picture walk through this town will definitely leave you with a lot of fun shots.  The puzzle below is a Level 3 puzzle, so it has 9 changes total…happy hunting!  Below the puzzle I’ve posted some more pictures of Ocean Beach for you to enjoy 🙂

Click on the puzzle to make it larger on your screen.

Find the Difference puzzle

Can you find the 9 changes in this puzzle?

Click Here to Sign up for Crunch Time

Ocean Beach California Sunset

One of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve seen in Ocean Beach. Taken in September 2011.

Ocean Beach Pier California Sunset

Another pretty sunset at the Ocean Beach Pier. The pier is 1,971 feet long and is the second longest pier on the west coast. Taken in July 2006.

Ocean Beach California Surfer

Multiple surf breaks combined with San Diego’s awesome weather make Ocean Beach a surfer’s paradise. This is looking south from the pier toward Sunset Cliffs. This guy is about to shoot the pier! Taken in January 2012.

Ocean Beach Pier looking North

Last one! This is looking north from the pier. You can see the jetty which has San Diego River on one side and Mission Bay on the other and La Jolla Peninsula in the far distance. Taken in January 2012.

San Diego Puzzle

10 Sep

Weekly Brain Challenge

Happy Monday!  This week’s Find the Difference puzzle comes to you from the city where it all began for Cranium Crunches, San Diego.  San Diego is a beautiful city with a downtown located right on the water.  This picture is of local fishing boats docked at the Embarcadero in downtown.  There are five changes total – happy hunting!

Click on the puzzle to see it on your full screen.

Cranium Crunches Find the Difference puzzle

There are five changes – can you find them?

Sign Up for Weekly Find the Difference puzzles

Weekly Brain Challenge

13 Aug

Happy Monday!  Give your brain a quick work-out with this Find the Difference puzzle with 9 changes.  Many of our Find the Difference photos come from all over the world, however the majority of them, like this one, come from our own backyard, San Diego.

Find the Difference

Find the 9 differences

Head to our website to play more brain games or scroll scroll down just a little to under the comment section to play the featured game on our blog.

Weekly Brain Challenge: Find the Difference

23 Jul

Hello!  Hope your work week is off to a great start.  Need a little mid-afternoon re-boost?  Try this Level 2 Find the Difference puzzle with 5 changes.  This picture comes to us from downtown San Diego.  The Downtown YMCA first opened it’s doors on April 27, 1882 – 130 years ago!  The building in the picture below opened on April 11, 1924 as the Army and Navy YMCA, which you can see carved on the building.  Today, it is the home of the Downtown YMCA.

San Diego Downtown YMCA

Find the Difference puzzle – can you spot the 5 differences?

Browse more Find the Difference puzzles on our website.

Play last week’s Brain Challenge.